Cacique Pedro Guanikeyu Torres Is A Surviving Taino Tribal Hereditary Blood Chief

It is said that in the time of the Guacara (The Days of Old) within the 5th Taino generation of our lord Maorocoti and before the coming of the Guamikena, the bearded white men, that it was a time of great peace and prosperity for our people. We lived in peace without fear of attack and then they came across the great waters, men with shining metal shells upon their backs to conquer our Jatibonicu central mountain stronghold. My people lived in peaceful harmony with all living things. It is here where I Chief Guanikeyu the direct descendent of the family of Orocobix will proudly give the accounts of my people and its yucayeque according to our family oracle of handed down family stories and the tribal legends of the Taino people of Jatibonicu of the past 500 plus years of Taino Resistance.

Many may try to distort what I say by saying that my accounts are the crazy accounts of some old people who had laid claim to a once forgotten legacy of a people who have long long been forgotten in the annals of time. Yet according to my family's past accounts of our common ancestor Cacique Orocobix. They say that he was a noble and humble man, tall in height and light in complexion as was his cousin Cacique Agueybana of the yucayeque of Guaynia. It is said that Cacique Orocobix had a younger brother named Oromico who was one of the Nitayno (Sub-Chiefs) who was the head of one of the smaller yucayeques (villages) that was found in the western region of the Jatibonicu Taino tribal Homeland. The homeland of Jatibonicu before the coming of Juan Ponce De Leon and the Guamikena in the year 1514 was a lovely harmonious place and being there was as though you had stepped into heaven. It was a beautiful land of plenty and many lovely smelling flowers and of many great high water falls. It was a homeland of great splendor before the coming of Don Christobal Colon (Christopher Columbus) on November 19th of the year 1493.

Cacique Guanikeyu's Last Wishes And Prayer Upon His Death

The Legend Keeper: Copyrights: Pedro Guanikeyu Torres © 1970-2010

Photography: By Mr. Wilfredo Alvarado, Vineland, New Jersey
Music: By "Orocobix.wav" Las Crystalitas, Ciales, Puerto Rico

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