The Dictionary of the Taino Language
Baba = n : Father.
Bagua = n : Sea.
Baira = n : Bow.
Bajacu' = n : dawn, the morning light.
Bajari = n : A title of distinction and high respect.
Bana = n : Greatness or Grand Place.
Bara = n : Kill or Death.
Baracutey = n : Solitary, an Animal or person that travels alone.
Barbacoa = n : A Stand, a four legged stand, made of sticks, used in
the cooking process of roasting meat. It has many uses, as a Village
Look out Tower or used in the planting Fields as a stand to chase away
the animals.
Barbecue = n : A meat roasting process. A poorly written translation
between Spanish and English of the Taino word Barbicu'.
Barbicu' = n : A meat roasting process, using a fire pit and a barbacoa
stand and placing upon it the roasted meat. (See the word Barbecue).
Batata = n : Potato.
Batey = n : Sacred Ceremonial Ball Court or Plaza. This is also use as the
name of the sacred Batey Ball Game.
Batu = n : Ball.
Bi = n : Life, Beginning or first.
Bibi = n : Mother.
Bieke = n : Small land.
Bija = n : Red body Paint made of achote.
Bijao = n : Thatch, made from the leaves of the Yarey Palm tree, used in
construction of the BOhios or Roundhouses.
Bijirita = n : The Cooing Dove.
Bimini = n : Life of the Spring waters. Also the name for the State of
Florida USA.
Bo = n : Great, Greatness or Big.
Boba = n : Serpent.
Bociba = n : Great Stone also Cibabo.
Bohiti = n : Shamen, a Taino Spiritual Leader, one who known the wisdom of
both of the Plant and Spirit worlds.
Boniata = n : Sweet Yuca
Boria = n : Work.
Borike'n = n : Great Land of the Valiant & Noble Lord.
Boya = n : Evil Spirit.
Bure'n = n : A Flat Round Plate made of clay, used to cook the Casabe bread.
Buticaco = n : Shifty Eyes. This is an insult between our Taino people.

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