The Dictionary of the Taino Language
Yabisi = n : Tree.
Yarima = n : Anus.
Yaguasa = n : Duck.
Yamoca' = n : Two.
Yamoca'n = n : Three.
Yara = n : Place.
Yarabi = n : Small place.
Yarari = n : A Fine Place.
Yari = n : Small Gold Jewelry, like necklaces of Gold etc.
Yamuy = n : Cat.
Y'ay'a = n : The Creator or Great Spirit. The term Y'aY'a or I'aI'a
means Spirit of Spirits.
Yaya' = n : Spirit of the Tree.
Yayael = n : Son of Yaya.
Yayama = n : Pineapple, this is another name for the same fruit. (See the word Anana).
Ynoa = n : Poisonous Juice.
Y'ocahu' = n : Spirit of the Sacred Mountain of the Yuca. Another of the names for the Creator.
Yu' = n : White.
Yucayeke = n : Village.
Y'u'kei'o = n : Sacred Spirit of the White Earth Mountain, a Benevolente Spirit.
A monntain in the Luquillo or Yunque Rainforest en Puerto Rico.
Yuke' = White Earth. As the Montain en Luquillo Puerto Rico is always in
a white cloudy haze, that is how it gets it name. Yuke is the proper name
for the Yumque.

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