Welcome To The First Edition of The Modern
Taino Dictionary
The Dictionary Of The Spoken Taino Language
(Para El Diccionario en la version de Espaņol
favor TOQUE AQUI) 
The Wisdom Of The Cemi', We Are Tainos Not
Dictionary Is Under reconstruction. This is a project of the
Taino Inter-Tribal Council Inc., We appreciate and do invite
comments from the Professional Linguists. "We the Taino
people of today, very proudly still speak our language in our
Taino communities." Chief Guanikeyu
Note: This is only a small example of
our Lovely Taino Language. The work that has been done on this
new Taino dictionary is due to the great efforts on the part of
Chief Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, a teacher of the Taino language. A
full Version will Soon be online for your pleasure, Thank you,
from the Taino TITC Team of The Taino Language Project.
Please Always Reload (All) Pages As We Are
always Adding New Taino Words Daily
Ana means Flower
Words with A sounds
Borike'n means Great Land of the Valiant & Noble Lord
Words with B sounds
BOhio means Roundhouse
Words with BO sounds
Caona means Gold
Words with C sounds
Choreto means Abundance
Words with CH sounds
Dujo means Chief's Chair
Words with D sounds
Ector means Sweet Soft Corn
Words with E sounds
Fotuto means Trumpet
Words with F sounds
Guarico means Come
Words with G sounds
Heketi means One
Words with H sounds
Ita means Don't know
Words with I sounds
Jicotea means Land Turtle
Words with J sounds
Ke' means Earth or Land
Words with K sounds
Liani means Wife
Words with L sounds
Macu' means Big Eyes
Words with M sounds
Naca'n means Center
Words with N sounds
Ocama means Listen
Words with O sounds
Piragua' menas Long Boat
Words with P sounds
Qu'emi means Rabbit
Words with Q sounds
Ris means Red
Words with R sounds
Siani means Married Woman
Words with S sounds
Shingu means Amazon River
Words with SH sounds
Tanama means Butterfly
Words with T sounds
Uicu' means Fermented Drink like Beer
Words with U sounds
Veycosi means White Juice from the Yuca
Words with V sounds
Wu'a means NO!
Words with W sounds
Yaya means Great Spirit or Creator
Words with Y sounds
Zinato means Irritated
Words with Z sounds
*A Little about our Written Taino Grammar*
*Objects used in Daily Taino Living*
*Names of Animals of Land And Water*
*Names of Planta of Land And Water*
*Names of Taino Families And People*
Dictionary Of The Indigenous Peoples Of The Caribbean
It is to be noted that, this other dictionary of Taino terms
is written solely in Spanish. This dictonary of Taino terms can
not be trusted because many of these words are false and not
complety accuate. These terms have not yet been studied by our
Taino language project team. We would like you to know, that our
new version of the Taino language dictionary, are going to
incorporate these terms and all other documented or recognized
Taino dictionary terms, that were gathered by the past Spanish
historians, via our Taino language project. Credit is to be given
to Mr. Jose Pedreira, for his effort in trying to present an
Indigenous Diccionary of the People of the Caribbean.
Some General Notes About Our
Taino Language
(c) 1993, 2009 The Taino Language Project TITC! (sm)
527 Mulberry Street | Millville, New Jersey 08332
voice: (609) 825-7776 | Fax: (609) 825-7922.
Send comments about this site to
Webmaster@Taino-Tribe.Org. Microsoft is a registered trademark in the United
States and other countries. The Microsoft Internet Explorer Logo
is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Last updated on 6/23/97.