This is a picture of Principal Chief
Guanikeyu at the March 27th 1998, Sacred Canupa Pipe sharing and Bonding Ceremony of the Taino people.
"I say to the Creator of the Four Winds and the giver of breath, that upon this 27th day of March, 1998, that I, Amaraca Yamoca, Two Rattles, also known as Guanikeyu, Noble Bird Of The White Earth, who is the Principal Chief of Jatibonicu Taino people, have humbly place my lips upon this most sacred Chanupa Pipe. I make this sacred promise to Yaya the Creator and Great Spirit. I say to my Brothers and Sisters and to all of my relatives who have shared this sacred Chanupa within this tribal circle. I do hereby wash away all my bitterness and past indifference between my Taino Brothers and Sisters. May they always keep this sacred pledge of love and unity as we are now in union with Yaya the Creator. Now we walk together as one Taino people. Han Han Catu' and Let it be so. Yahe!" "I say to all my relatives upon the face of our Earth Mother Atabey. I say to those Taino people, who dare take part in this sacred ceremony. I say woe to you and to yours. I say remember and thus be aware, for whatever vain reason you may declare. Should you ever break this most sacred promise, to the Creator as you will forever be dead in his eyes if you should betray your word to him the giver of life.
I will say no more..."
On A Public Note:The long stemmed North American Lakota Canupa Pipe, viewed in the above picture, is not a traditional Taino pipe. This Sacred Pipe was used in a respectful way to honor the Creator and our Northern American relatives. They had thus requested, that we share this Sacred Pipe in our Taino peace circle at our Taino Ceremony. On another note: We do use and have our own traditional pre-colombian Taino Pipes
Taino Tribal Affairs Public Information
Public issues regarding our sovereign Taino tribe, and its Tribal Constitution and Tribal Laws
Click On The Small Cemi To Read Our Tribe's Public Announcements
A Tribal Affairs Public Notice As of September 13, 1998
A Jatibonicu' CommUNITY Bulletin Board News Service
Who Are The Taino People
We are the proud & noble people who discovered Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492. We were the
very First Native Americans to receive "Glass Beads" from the Europeans. We are a noble people who have
proudly stood up for our Taino Native American Rights & Heritage. We did officially reorganized
in the Caribbean & Florida and other parts of the United States, on November 18th 1993, some 500 plus years
later and ...
"We The Taino People Are Still Here"
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Our Casabi Yuca Bread Being Cooked On The Buren
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Please Click On The Image Of The STARBURST To Read The Elders Introduction
Please Do Read This Taino Longhouse Introduction by Pedro Guanikeyu Torres, Tribal Elder
Cemi the Sacred Totem of the Taino People
The Stone Cemi's are Always kept in the Chief's Caney Longhouse
Click On The Small Black DUJO And Visit Our Taino Gallery
Click On The Small Yellow DUJO And Read About The Tribal Chief's Ceremonial Chair
The Cinturon or Yuke is a Sacred Stone Belt, Our Wheel of Life
(The Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Council's Mailing Addresses)
Click On 1492 Image To Find The United States Federally Recognized Tribes And Nations
Taino Tribal Protocol And Contacting Procedures
The Taino Tribal Council of Jatibonicu'
US Regional Tribal Affairs Office
Great People of The Sacred High Waters
703 South Eight Street Vineland, NJ 08360
Please Contact The Principal Chief Guanikeyu By Sending
Letters Via US Mail or E-Mail
To The Nitayno: Sub-Chief, Maria Anani Jimenez
United States Region Tribal Council Office Number
(856) 690-1565
United States Region Tribal Council Office FAX
(856) 690-1565
E-MAIL: Office of Taino Tribal Affairs
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