
Taino-L The Taino Indigenous People's Internet Forum

The Forum of the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Boriken
Sponsored by St. Johns University, USA



FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

June 15, 2001


Welcome to the Taino-L Interest discussion forum! This article contains information all about our Jatibonicu Taino Tribe and about visiting the other Caribbean Islands and Florida, the traditional Taino "Bagua" (Sea) Caribbean homeland of the first Native American Indians to meet Cristobal Colon (Columbus) on the Caribbean Bahama Island of Guanahani (San Salvador), on the Friday morning of October 12, 1492.

This Native American Indian descussion forum hopes to provide a resource for all the Taino people and to serve as a kind of Island Bohio, (Roundhouse) as a "Roundhouse of Taino Knowledge" that in the past was culturally supressed by the past colonial opposition forces in the Caribbean Islands and in United States. We hope that this new resource is useful to you and that you Decide to take part in this Taino Native American Indian peoples Forum And contribute with your good Ideas.

On Posting Related Information Within This Taino-L FAQ

We will be adding to our Taino-L LISTSERV FAQ on a monthly bases, so if you want some information posted within this FAQ *Frequently Asked Questions* FAQ archive, then please feel free to send us a message addressed to: Taino-L Forum Administrator with a list of Information you want posted within this file. This archive can always be found on our Taino Inter-Tribal Council Inc. Homepage. Its url location is http://www.hartford-hwp. com/Taino/docs/faq2.html and also at http://www.taino-tribe.org/faq2.html

Do note: If you should by chance see a mistakes within this FAQ, please bring it to our attention so it can be corrected.

Some Rules of the Taino-L Intertest Forum

1. Please note: As you are solely an invited quest of our Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation and its Tribal members. You are not permitted to enter our Taino-L fourm to solicit our tribal members into joining your Taino revival groups or to attempt to disrupt our tribal nation forum by making any negative comments against our Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation or the Taino Tribal Council or any of our Forum quest. NOW!!! If you plan on carring on this kind of direct or indirect disrepectfull activity within the Taino-L Forum, then please take note that, you have been formally *Warned* once by the Taino tribal council organization's List Administrator, as we will not tolerate any disrespect to us or our forum members and quests. The Taino-L Forum Administrator has the full authority to automaticly Delete you from the Taino forum.

2. No vulgar or foul language or racist remarks are permitted in our forum. You will be permanently banned from this Taino Native American Indian peoples forum.


3. A forum member may not use more than one users name and E-mail address. The use of two names and e-mails is not permitted in our Taino forum, as this is grounds for Nopost or Banning them from posting in our Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation Forum.

4. No Spamming of any kind is permitted in the forum. Spamming or the sending into the forum of any kind of off topic Taino Native American Indian Political issues. Spamming of any kind of non-traditional Native American religions or business promotional advertizements is not permitted in the forum. This includes all Festivals, Pow-Wows, celebrations and gathering for the sole purpose of collecting money.

NOTE: If its not a free event open to the general public, then its business venture. Its just another business orinented promotional form or money making scheme.

You will need to get the exclusive permission of the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation's Taino-L List Administrator before you post these messages. If you do not have the permission you can not post it. If you do post it without permission you will be warned once. After that you will then be permanently banned from the forum.


Send all promotional business type messages to the Taino-L List Administrator, Mr. Juan Antonio Perez at the following E-Mail address: Webmaster@Taino-Tribe.Org

What are the official Taino National Observence Days?

The two main Taino National days observed today by Taino Native American Indians of Puerto Rico and the Carbe are as follows: On "November 18th", The Day of Rememberance called "GUAROCO" the last known day of TAINO NATIONAL FREEDOM of 1493. This day was official marked on November 18, 1993 by The Council of Arocoels (Grandfathers or Elders) as a Day of Honoring our Taino ancestors in Boriken by the Caribbean Island Tainos. It is also observeed in Florida, New Jersy, New York or by other Tainos living in the United States. It was on a Saturday of November 18th 1493 that our people "dicovered" Colon (Columbus) and his flag Ship the Santa Maria, along with the other European Spanish invaders.

On "November 19th" It was on a Sunday that our people lost their GOD GIVEN FREEDOM. This observance day is called GUAAJI, "A Day of Protest to the Invasion and Mass Genocide" upon our "Sovereign Taino Indigenous People of the Caribbean & Florida". This day further marks the begining of the Taino Slavery, of a brutal inhuman Mass Genocide backed by the Catholic Church and its Catholic Kings of Spain upon some 6 to 8 Million of our Taino ancestors, a "kind" & trusting "Gentle" people. This day we ask that all THE CATHOLIC CHURCHS silence their STEEPLE BELLS in an act of "Respectful silence" to the Taino people in this sad day of the "MOURNING" for our masacred Taino Caribbean ancestors.

On what day did the Taino people officially reorganize in the Caribbean?

The Jatibonicu Taino tribe and it tribal nation officially reorganized in Puerto Rico on November 18, 1970, in Barrio Botijas, Orocovis, Puerto Rico. The rest of Taino revival groups reorganized in the Caribbean and United States on the 18 day of November 1993. This took place on the island of Boriken (Puerto Rico) at the "Taino Indian Ceremonial Grounds" of "El Batey Ceremonial de Caguanas",(Ceremonial Ball Court of Caguanas) at Barrio Caguanas, Utuado, Puerto Rico. The Indigenous leaders, elders and many of the island born Tainos of, "The Taino Indian Movement of Boriken (Puerto Rico)" gathered in Utuado, Puerto Rico. Yes the Taino people had finally met in the Caribbean region after 500 years at this sacred Taino ceremony site at Barrio Caguanas, to reaffirm their ethnic Taino Caribbean nationality. The island people met under the leadership of the Elders of "The Taino Council of Boriken". The first Taino Indigenous Congress was held in Boriken (Puerto Rico) at Barrio Caguanas the following year, with the majority of the representatives from the Taino organizations of the Caribbean and United States diaspora.

What Is The Officially Recognized Governing body Of The Taino People?

Presently their is no one governing body of the Taino people. The majority of the Taino people and Taino groups and Tribal organizations share in a common bond of friendship. This bond is the voice of the majority of the known Taino leaders and their organizational members, throughout the Caribbean and United States diaspora. WE THE TAINO PEOPLE! In our ancient Caribbean history our humble Taino ancestors traditionally, had always referred to themselves as WE THE PEOPLE or WE The TAINO PEOPLE! The colonial Term "nation" is a European concept. It is not a Native American Indian concept nor is it of indigenous origin. Never the less our present day Jatibonicu Taino tribe and its related Taino tribal bands of Florida and New Jersey today form one Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation. Jatibonicu and its tribal council Government does not speak for all the Taino people of the Major Antilles and their community leaders. The Grand Council of the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation speaks only for it officially registered tribal members.

The official flag of the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Borikén

The Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Boriken Home Page

It is to be made clear that our Jatibonicu' Taino Tribal Nation whos members are located in Puerto Rico and in the United States, are under one confederated constitutional and sovereign self-governing tribal Government. Our sovereign tribal Government and our Jatibonicu Taino people are not under nor have we ever been subject to the controls or juristication of any alleged Taino confederation, nation or group. A Public Notice And Warning

Where do I find Taino Indigenous Cultural Events?

If you are looking for Taino Indigenous cultural related events, you may find a list of events within the Taino Inter-Tribal Council Homepage under "Taino Community On-Line Bulletin Board of Events" the url address is:

The Taino Bulletin Board of Community Events

Where do I find files related to the Taino People's culture?

The Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Boriken and its tribal band in the United States provides a nice Public bulletin Board Service in New Jersey. It is a National Taino Database of the Taino Indian People of the Caribbean, called in our Taino Language "Gua Colibri" The Hummingbird Colibri Taino BBS, it can be reached via the use of any "computer communication program" and a "computer modem" the BBS Data number is 609-825-7922. Please See the following Internet URL for more information:

Taino Archives And Indigenous BBS Database

Where do I find Taino related cultural art or images?

The Taino Tribal Council provides a "Taino Image Gallery" with many Cultural and educational Images that support the Taino struggle for National Cultural Identity. It can be reached at url address:

A Gallery of Taino Images

The Little Taino Indian Rainbow Crafts Shop Taino Arts and Crafts

Were Can I Find Taino Cultural Groups, Information and other Resources?

You can find a Taino Resources List sponsored by The Taino Tribal Council, at the Indigenous People Organization's Internet Web site. addresses:

Taino People's Resources List

You can also find other related Taino Resources at:

The Taino People's Home Page

Click On The Image of the Longhopuse To Visit the Jatibonicu Tribal Nation of Boriken's Home Page

The Home Page of the US Regional Tribal Affairs office of the Taino Tribal Council of Jatibonicu

LOS HIJOS DE JATIBONICU (The Sons of Jatibonicu) is our Taino Tribal dance group that is located in Southern New Jersey, who are Members of the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal band of the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Boriken (Puerto Rico). We are a traditional Taino dance group. We can be reached via the NJ-US Regional office of the Taino Tribal Council of Jatibonicu a Native American Indian Tribal organization, by Contacting and asking for the Jatibonicu Dance Group's Director at 609-690-1565.

Where are the Taino-L forum message archives found?

The Taino-L archives can be found at The Saint Johns University Jamaica New York and The Connecticut State University. Note: For a complete listing of all the Taino-L Forum messages please check out the following two Internet URLs for the archive locations. The Connecticut State University Library Archives The 1993-1996 Taino-L Archives The Saint Johns University Library Archives The 1997-1999 Taino-L Archives

Where Can I Find Taino Genealogy Information?

The Taino Tribal Council provides a Taino Genealogy Project that works to link other Taino people to their Taino family Roots.

You may contact the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation and its Genealogy Project Committee for any help with becoming a Taino Genealogy member and obtain any Related membership information via the Internet by sending a message to the following E-Mail address: Genealogy And Tribal Enrollment

Where Can I Find Taino Language Resources?

The Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation provides a Taino Language Project that works to reconstruct our Classic Jatibonicu Taino dialect of the taino language. The Taino Language project hopes to be able to publish and to teach a contemporary version of our Pre-Columbian Taino Arawakan based language. Taino Language Project


Mr. Juan A. Perez, Tribal Webmaster
The Taino-L Forum FAQ Editor
The Taino Tribal Council of Jatibonicu
703 South Eight Street, Vineland, New Jersey 08360

Taino Tribal Council of jatibonicu E-mail address: Webmaster@Taino-Tribe.Org


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